HELLO, HELLO.....Read this !
The Zipline goes into the creek, bring old shoes and old clothes
Our Annual Independence Celebration
Every year on the Saturday AFTER the 4th of July
If you are concerned about contagion, use your judgement, your Choice.
If you are concerned, wear a mask, keep your distance, or do not come.
If you are sick.......DUH!!!! DO NOT COME!
- - Events - -
- Handheld crossbows
- Horse shoes
- Basketball
- Target shooting
- Trails to walk, ride, drive
- Swimming pool
- Bottle rockets and firecrackers all day
- Board / card games
- Zip line
No one over 200lbs until after 5pm
+ Firework display about dark
and whatever you want to do
Bring what you want to grill and a side dish to share.
Bring what you want to drink. Kool-Aid will be provided.
- - - If you think you might over indulge,
bring your tent, we have plenty of space.
Bring sunscreen and mosquito repellent.
Bring your portable chairs
Bring your guns and your ammo
Bring bikes for your kids
Bring games
Bring Fireworks
If everyone brings fireworks we will have a good show.
Mark’s recommend list:
Artillery shells
Mortar tubes
Saturn missiles
- - - Best of the best is the 24 shot canister shell called Excalibur
Another good one is called Thor
Here are some of our YouTubes
Thanks to all that sent me vids
How to make my firework fuse ignitor.