Hunters, Riders or Walkers
Get the phone app called teamup calendar
My calendar name is ks8e4f6d364ef912f8
I give everyone the same opportunity to hunt, ride, bike, or walk our 40 Acres.
I think it's a great place and I don't mind sharing it.
Check the calendar and see if anyone is scheduled for the dates you are wanting.
TEXT ME, the dates you want.
I will reply.
If you have never been here before, I will call you.
If I find out you were here without informing me, you will be asked to not come back.
Text me when you are going in / out of the woods.
Hey, Mark, my friend JoeBlow Snuffy and I are headed in now.
Hey, Mark, gonna go get lunch and be back later.
Hey, Mark, headed back in again.
Hey, Mark, done for the day.
I will not always answer back. Some of you sonsabitches get up to early for me. HAHA!!
I need to know WHO and WHEN you will be in the woods. If you have changes, let me know.
If someone is hunting or riding the day that you want, text them, work out the details, then text me.
Will you be hunting or riding together? Text me WHO.
Will you split up the time for that day? Text me WHEN.
Notify me as soon as possible if you have changes.
I will update the calendar.
DO NOT park at the house. My dog does not like unknown company.
You can park by the shop, but do not block the driveway.
You can park north of the house out in the hay field.
DO NOT park on the road.
Hunters....Know which way you are shooting.
DO NOT Shoot towards my house.
Hint.........I will Shoot back. :)
Oh, and in case you missed it.
Make sure you read the LAW and.....
You are being recorded while on this property, so smile every once in awhile and wave for the cameras.

red = trails
blue = crick
yellow = fence line
blue square = cement pond
black square = Stalag 13 deer stand
gray circle = the big rock
green stars = deer stand.........maybe?